We are located in Savannah, GA and are NRA Certified to instruct the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course.
We also offer gun cleaning services/classes as well as 1-on-1 training on pistols.
Our Services.
One on one.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting
These classes get individual lessons and training for marksmanship fundamentals including stance, grip, sight picture, sight alignment, etc. to give you tools to train with.
In the Basics of Pistol Shooting course, I follow the NRA program as well as add some additional content. All of this includes general firearms safety, range safety, cleaning and maintaining, stance, grip, etc. There will be hands on applications with several firearms and we will start by using a blue plastic gun to learn the proper fundamentals of gun handling and grip. We teach the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship in the classroom by using a laser simulator so the student can practice the fundamentals we teach before we ever go to the range. I find this to be most helpful for the complete novice right up to someone who wants to brush up on some rusty skills.
Gun Cleaning Services
This is a service that can be me teaching you to clean your pistol, or I can clean your pistol(s) for you.